Rendering content to a composition target

Use a Composition Target Render Pass to render content to a composition target.

Composition Target Render Pass automatically creates a texture from the content that it renders. You can use a Blit Render Pass to draw this texture to the screen or to another composition target using a specific material. To render content to a Render Target Texture, you can use the Render to Texture Pass. See Rendering to texture.

To render content to a composition target:

  1. In the Library press Alt and right-click Rendering, and select Compose and Blit Pass.
    Compose and Blit Pass template contains the render pass structure that enables you to blit to the screen Composition Target Render Pass render passes or textures using a specific material. The template contains these render passes:
  2. In the Project select the Scene node whose content you want to render to a composition target and in the Properties set the Render Pass property to the Compose and Blit Pass.
    Kanzi renders the content of that Scene node to a composition target and uses the Blit Render Pass to draw the content on the screen.
  3. (Optional) If you do not set the Composition Target property, you can set these properties in the Composition Target Render Pass:

See also


Using Kanzi Studio render pass templates

Rendering multiple render passes or textures

Creating mipmaps for a composition target

Using multisampling

Tutorial: Create a Gaussian blur effect

Tutorial: Create a bloom effect